Christoph Beitl, BA MA
Christoph Beitl, BA MA
University Assistant, pre-doc
Christoph Beitl is a university assistent (predoc) at the Chair of Historical Transregional Studies at the Faculty Center for Transdisciplinary Historical and Cultural Studies. He studied History (BA) and Contemporary History & Media (MA) at the University of Vienna and the University of Bonn. He worked as a history educator at the House of Austrian History in Vienna. He also served as a student representative for the Doctoral School of Historical and Cultural Studies at the University of Vienna between 2022-2024. Research visits took him to the European History Research Centre at the University of Warwick and the Archive of Social Democracy at the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Bonn.
In his dissertation project, he compares transregional and transnational transfers between the independent Polish trade union movement Solidarność and Western European labour movements in the period 1980-1989. The focus of the study are these actors and the trade union organisations of the Federal Republic of Germany (DGB), Great Britain (TUC) and Austria (ÖGB). A central research hypothesis assumes that the ideas and demands of Solidarność were adopted and translated by Western European actors. Therefore, the aim of this project is to highlight trade union entanglements across supposed bloc borders during the Cold War.
(forthcoming) Christoph Beitl, “International Media Coverage of Kreisky and the United States”. In: Howard Louthan, Günter Bischof, Michael Burri (Hg.), Bruno Kreisky's Foreign Policy: A Reassessment. Oxford/New York (Berghahn Press) 2025, 27 S.
(forthcoming) Christoph Beitl, “Rezension: Anna Delius, Working on Rights. Labor Protest and Democratic Opposition in Spain and Poland, 1960–1990. In: Werkstatt Geschichte (Heft Nr. 91) 2025, 4 S.
Christoph Beitl, Martin Gumiela, Conference Report: "Varieties of Economic Nationalism in Cold War Europe: Small State Responses to Economic Change, 1960s-1980s". Research Center for the History of Transformations, Universität Wien, In: H-Soz-Kult, June 2023.
Christoph Beitl, Jonathan Hörnig, Obdachlosigkeit in Wien (Oral History Podcast). In: Jan Svenungsson, Flora Zimmeter, (Hg.), Kunst am Gemeinde-Bau. Ein Projekt für den Franz-Novy-Hof in Wien. (Edition Angewandte) Basel (Birkhäuser) Basel, 28-29.