Dr. Matilde Cartolari, B.A. M. Mus. M.A.

University assistant, post-doc

Matilde Cartolari is a post-doctoral researcher at the chair for Cultural Heritage Studies at the Fakultätszentrum für transdisziplinäre historisch-kulturwissenschaftliche Studien. Her research focuses on the interplay between museum history, conservation and art historiography in Europe in the early 20th century.

She studied art history at Ca' Foscari University of Venice, where she took part in the PRIN project "La vita delle opere. Dalle fonti al digitale" on the collection of the Gallerie dell’Accademia (2014-2017). In 2022, she completed her PhD at the Technische Universität Berlin in cotutelle with the University of Udine. Between 2017 and 2020, she participated to the international research cluster "Translocations. Historical Enquiries into the Displacement of Cultural Assets" at TU Berlin where, from 2022, she coordinates the provenance research blog "The Lives of Pictures" in cooperation with the Staatliche Museen Berlin.

She was a fellow of the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes (2018-2021) and an occasional student at the Warburg Institute in London on a short DAAD fellowship (2019). Her doctoral thesis "Ambassadors of Beauty. Italian Old Masters and Fascist Cultural Diplomacy (1930-1940)" has recently been awarded the Willibald-Sauerländer-Preis by the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte in Munich and the Special Medal of the President of the Senate by the Fondazione Spadolini.

Selected Publications


2025 Ambassadors of Beauty. Italian Old Master exhibitions and Fascist Cultural Diplomacy (1930-1940). Berlin-Boston: De Gruyter, in preparation

Edited Monograph

2022. Il restauro per immagini. Fotografia e restauro dall’Ottocento ad oggi, edited with M. Visentin, Udine: Forum


2024. “A Dictionary of Pictures and Drawings.” La Witt Library di Londra fra ricerca, tutela, e mercato. In “Studi di Memofonte”, in press

2024. ‘David against Goliath’: The National Art-Collections Fund, British Museums and the international Art Market (1903-1939). In Researching Art Markets: Finance and Legislation, eds. E. Lazzaro, N. Moureau, A. Turpin, London-New York: Routledge, in press

2023. Connoisseurship at Trial: Hahn vs Duveen (1921-1929). In “Già chiamano in aiuto la chimica…”: Il restauro da bottega a laboratorio scientifico e pratica di cantiere, “Restauro Archeologico”, 288-295

2022. Sichtbare Leere – nachfühlbar gemacht. In Beute. Ein Bildatlas zu Kunstraub und Kulturerbe, eds. M. Lagatz, B. Savoy, P. Sissis, Berlin: Matthes & Seitz, 220-223

2022. Legitimation der neuen Schutzmacht.. In Beute. Ein Bildatlas zu Kunstraub und Kulturerbe, eds. M. Lagatz, B. Savoy, P. Sissis, Berlin: Matthes & Seitz, 344-347

2020. Fra Madrid 1934 e Venezia 1937: Mariano Fortuny e la mostra di Tintoretto a Ca’ Pesaro. In Museographie. Musei in Europa negli anni tra le due guerre. La Conferenza di Madrid del 1934: un dibattito internazionale, eds. E. Dallapiana, M. B. Failla, F. Varallo, Genoa: Sagep, 393-401

2022. Eine erträumte Papstaudienz. In Beute. Ein Bildatlas zu Kunstraub und Kulturerbe, eds. M. Lagatz, B. Savoy, P. Sissis, Berlin: Matthes & Seitz, 360-363

2017. 1939: i restauri alla mostra di Veronese nel panorama della tutela nazionale e locale . In “Studi di Memofonte”, 18, 81-98

2016. “A Ca’ Giustinian fu tutto diverso". La mostra di Paolo Veronese a Venezia (1939). In Musei e mostre tra le due Guerre, eds. S. Cecchini, P. Dragoni, “Il Capitale Culturale”, 14, 459-502

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