Birgit Nemec Birgit Nemec
Chair of History of Science and Political Epistemologies of Bio Sciences and Medicine in the 20th Century
Birgit Nemec has joined the Faculty Center for Transdisciplinary Historical-Cultural Studies at the University of Vienna as Assistant Professor for the History of Science in Medicine and Biosciences. After extended research periods at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science Berlin, the University of Cambridge, and the Humboldt University Berlin she was a research associate at Heidelberg University and a fellow in the Brigitte-Schlieben-Lange Program before she joined the Charité Berlin as Professor of History of Medicine in 2021. Her research interests include the history of reproduction; sex/gender diversity; patient activism; dis/ability and politics of knowledge; as well as oral history methods and methods of research collaboration. Her book Norm und Reform (Wallstein 2020) explores the role of anatomical body images in struggles over hegemony, bodily norm, and social reform around 1925. At the University of Vienna she will be working on the ERC funded project Beyond Thalidomide. The Patient as an Agent of Change, which examines drug-related disabilities and reproductive health in a global perspective.
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