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The staff of the Faculty Center contribute to the faculty’s respective curricula on undergraduate and graduate levels as well as to teacher training programs. Courses are designed to strengthen transdisciplinary competencies by including theories and methods from various disciplines and focusing on transdisciplinary topics, offering team-teaching, and participating in transdisciplinary courses organized by all of the faculty, such as the lecture “Basics of historical and cultural studies” for all BA programs as well as for interdisciplinary MA programs (Eastern European Studies, Contemporary History and Media, Global Studies). These courses are credited in various study programs depending on their subject.
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Study Service Center for Historical and Cultural Studies
Spitalgasse 2
Student Entrance: Hof 2, Door 2.9 (passage to Hof 1)
Mailing Address: Hof 1, Tür 1.9
1090 Wien
T: +43-1-4277-401 01, 401 02, 401 03, 401 04
F: +43-1-4277-9 401
Opening Hours
Studying at the University of Vienna
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