Dr. phil. Barbara Pavlek Löbl

Chair of Public History

University Assistant, post doc

Barbara Pavlek Löbl is a University Assistant (post-doc) at the Chair of Public History at the Faculty Center for Transdisciplinary Historical and Cultural Studies. Her research focuses on developing interdisciplinary approaches to cultural history by combining digital collections of historical data with computational models and analytical methods.

After obtaining her master's degrees in Classical Archaeology and Greek Philology at the University of Zagreb, she completed her PhD on the evolution of coinage as an informational system at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena and the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History. Her dissertation project combined insights from archaeology, economic history, cultural evolution, information theory, and cognitive science, investigating how historical circumstances and mechanisms of human cognition affected the way in which coins were made and used in their early history and today. Specifically, it focused on the role of coin designs in storing and transmitting information about the issuing authority and monetary value.

Dr. Pavlek Löbl is currently working on a research project as part of the research focus of the Chair of Public History, where she is studying the interaction between people, places, monuments, and narratives, and their role in the formation and transmission of cultural memory.

She was a Deputy CCO at the Open Peer Review Journal Public History Weekly (2022-23).


E-Mail: barbara.pavlek.loebl@univie.ac.at

Office: O4.26

Phone: +43-1-4277-67106

Office Hours: Mondays, 15-17h
(in person or online, by appointment)


Selected Publications


  • Pavlek, Barbara (2021): The cultural evolution of coinage as an informational system. Jena. Available online: doi.org/10.22032/dbt.48173

Journal Articles

  • Pavlek, Barbara, James Winters, and Olivier Morin (2020). “Reverse engineering cash: Coin designs mark out high value differentials and coin sizes track values logarithmically”. Cognition 198: 104182. doi.org/10.1016/j.cognition.2020.104182
  • Pavlek, Barbara, James Winters, and Olivier Morin. (2019). “Ancient coin designs encoded increasing amounts of economic information over centuries”. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 56, 101103. doi.org/10.1016/j.jaa.2019.101103