Learning from Experiences of Academic Displacement and Exile


Aus der Gesprächsreihe Disziplinen in Bewegung


Gespräch mit Vera Axyonova (Institut für Publizistik, Universität Wien) und Judith Kohlenberger (Institut für Sozialpolitik, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien)


20.04.2023, 18:30-20:00, hybrid

  • on site: Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, HS 13
  • link for online participation


Academic mobility has become an indispensable mechanism of knowledge sharing and internationalization in higher education and research. Yet, when scholars are forced into exile – due to wars, political persecution or systematic restrictions on academic freedom – we can no longer speak of voluntary mobility for the sake of knowledge exchange. How do displaced scholars experience living and working in exile? Do support programs for exiled researchers meet their demands? Does “forced internationalization” of higher education resulting from involuntary migration bear potential for the decolonization of knowledge? These and other questions related to contemporary academic displacements and exile will be discussed in this round of ‘Disciplines in Motion’ with the focus on Western Europe, including Austria, as the host environment.


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